Hailstorms Forecast Service
Hailstorm Forecasts and Hailstorms
Storm Weather Forecasts of hailstorms will be posted on the hailstorm forecasts website at the start of the season as the season unfolds from about August. The first 2 months will be free. Depending on the risk and ability to pinpoint locations, the aim of the forecasts is to forecasts risk of severe weather occurring specifically targetted to hailstorms. The size of the possible hailstones will also be indicated. When the warning is high risk or sometimes even moderate, a more detailed forecast is provided attempting to include time of hail threat and regional locations that could be affected. The purpose of these hail forecasts is to provide anyone with as much lead up information to keep safe and for preparedness.
As always, weather is very unpredictable and these are provided as guidance despite the success rate should ONLY be used as a guide. Strange things have occurred even outside the zone. The main purpose of these forecasts are coverage of the eastern states - occasionally the Perth and Adelaide region and surrounds may also be covered.
A FREE warning service is available from the Early Warning Network (EWN) who provide enhanced warnings of approaching hailstorms, floods, bush fires, and other severe weather threats that may affect your region. Storm Weather also aims to use these warnings to compliment its own forecasting system.
The hailstorm forecasts website provides valuable forecasts of hailstorms. Experienced forecasters who have more than sufficient knowledge and experience in the field analyse weather numerical models each morning. With the number of hailstorms causing millions of dollars of damage each year, it is crucial to be prepared and armed with the latest in innovative warnings and storm forecasts.
If you require further information feel free to contact 0408020468 or go to the hailstorm forecasts website and leave them a message.